January 7, 2012

DIY Coffee Ground Facial Mask

Save those coffee grounds from your morning coffee! They can do amazing things for your skin and work as an instant wake up for your face. They work as an exfoliant, removing dead skin and leaving your face feeling healthier. The caffeine from coffee is easily absorbed into the skin and can tighten the blood vessels under your skin to minimize puffiness and sagging.

Mocha Coffee Facial Mask:

  • 2 tablespoons cooled, used coffee grounds
  • about 2 tbsp. cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • about 1 tbsp. cold whole milk or heavy cream

Mix ingredients together. You may need to add more cocoa powder or tad bit more milk to get a 'mushy-paste' consistency. Apply gently in a circular motion. Careful not to get in eyes or on lips. Let sit for 20 minutes, then wash off gently with warm water. Apply a moisturizer if you'd like. The grounds can be a little messy so washing off while in the shower can be a bit easier!

Not only does it smell delicious, and will give you a nice 'pick me up', but afterwards you will notice tighter, glowing, SOFT skin! If you have extra leftover, you can save it for 3-5 days. Just be sure to keep it in the fridge!

* Attention brunettes: Coffee is acidic, so it gets rid of product buildup on your hair- which is awesome. It also adds a bit of color. If you add a couple teaspoons of coffee grounds to your shampoo, it will add shine and depth to your current color. They do have shampoos & conditioners for brunettes that you can purchase at the store that do this same thing, but if you wanted to save a bit of money and are looking for a more natural approach- here you go!

January 6, 2012

Simple Homemade Lip Exfoliator

My lips have been kind of chapped lately, even though I use Burt’s Bees daily. It was especially noticeable while wearing lipstick. Chapped, flakey lips? EW. Anyway, I tried this:
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil w/ about 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • Apply to lips & rub in a circular motion for about 30 seconds
  • Wipe off with a warm cloth, apply a lip moisturizer, and voilĂ - soft lips!
Exfoliating your lips removes dead, chapped skin, and leaves your lips soft. It can even help your lipstick last longer. My lips were instantly smoother and I am now a happy girl. You should repeat the process weekly or as needed to keep your lips looking and feeling amazing.

A note about lip moisturizers
Petroleum, camphor, alcohol, and menthol all contribute to dry lips. And, surprise- they happen to be the ingredients that are in most lip moisturizers. The thing is- they SEEM awesome because they provide immediate relief, but over time- dry out and damage your lips. I have been using Chapstick for a LONG time, and have realized this. I am constantly putting on Chapstick all day long. So make sure you take a look at the ingredients while purchasing lip products. Using a couple drops of vitamin E, shea butter, almond oil, olive oil or sesame seed oil are good ways to keep your lips moisturized. Oh, and drinking lots of water will keep you hydrated which will keep your lips looking great! =)
This is an extremely basic home remedy for dry lips. Bella Luna will have a variety of lip balms and lip scrubs available for purchase, so stay tuned!

January 2, 2012


Recently, I've been creating homemade skin products for myself, and decided I would like to make them available to others. My mission is to create healthy, safe, natural, affordable skincare products for all types of skin.

Homemade beauty products are becoming more popular due to the high cost and unsafe ingredients that are found in most beauty products sold in stores. Natural skin remedies have been around for centuries. Made with the most ordinary ingredients, they yield amazing results. From body scrubs to lip balm, I will have items available for purchase on Bella Luna's Etsy shop.

This blog will be updated frequently with any news regarding Bella Luna. I will also be sharing information here & there about all things beauty- with a main focus on skincare. Be sure to check back, as I am just getting started and have lots to share with you in the coming weeks! For a quick way to stay in touch and for easier communication- be sure to 'like' Bella Luna on Facebook!